Munich Oktoberfest Beer Tent Information, Reservations and Tickets
Tent by Tent
2014 sees something rare with the opening of a new tent. The favourite tent of many, the Hippodrom made way for the Marstall tent from the Family Able. The Able family are not new to the Oktoberfest having been behind the smaller Kalbs Kuchl tent for many years. It looks like the new Marstall tent will be as stylish and fancy as the Hippadrom that it replaces.
Marstall is the old German word for the royal riding school, built by Leo von Klenze in 1822. The horse is the guiding motive in the Marstall tent with a big carriage above the entrance, carved wooden horses as decoration inside the tent and a stage resembling a carousel with horses around it.
The Oktoberfest crossbow competition is considered one of the great Wiesn highlights. The marksmen have been letting it fly since 1895. But don't worry; this tent doesn't only feature marksmen and shooting. It is also especially comfortable, and the proprietor Peter Inselkammer and his team will ensure that your physical well-being isn't neglected. Regardless of whether you choose to sample the roast chicken, knuckle of pork or traditional sausages with sauerkraut, you're sure to hit the Bull's Eye each time!
Good company and great fun go hand in hand in this tent, which may also have to do with the excellent Paulaner beer. Last but not least, the Unterbrunner brass band music does their part by getting the visitors into the "groove".
The counterpart to the Hofbraeuhaus located in the city of Munich is also a huge tourist attraction at the Wiesn. The proprietors Margot and Gunter Steinbert know how to treat their guests well.
It is not uncommon to already find Mass glasses being raised to toasts and guests rocking back and forth to the music at midday. This is not least because Hofbrau guests come from all over the world. Americans and Austrians feel especially happy here.
The slogan is integral to the Hacker-Festzelt philosophy when surrounded by clouds and stars with a cold Mass (liter of beer) in the hand, you may feel as though you are truly in a "Bavarian Heaven".
The proprietors Christl and Toni Roiderer have really planned something special for all those in need of a break from brass band music this year every evening starting at 5:30pm, a Rock'n 'Roll-Band will perform and get the beat going.
The Schottenhammel is one of the most important tents of the Wiesn, as everything starts inside this tent. On the opening day of the Wiesn, at 12 pm on the dot, the mayor of Munich traditionally taps the first keg and call out "O'zapft is!" confirming that the tapping was successful. It is only after this that all other tents may begin to serve beer.
It's hard to believe that the Schottenhamel tent, which in 1867 was just a small beer booth with 50 seats, has become the largest Wiesn tent with circa 10,000 seats. The Schottenhamel is the favorite hunting ground for Munich's young people who meet there to drink and party.
A further place to meet celebrities at the Wiesn, which is in great part due to the fantastic atmosphere in this cozy tent. "emuetlichkeit" is a very important feature of the tent, and the proprietors Helga and Willi Kreitmair ensure that stays that way.
The Kreitmair's decorate their Faehnd'l with great care and authentic Bavarian details. It is here that many Oktoberfest visitors unexpectedly end up staying for a long time. The Blaskapelle Ruhmannsfelden provide for the right beer-atmosphere. Sing-along allowed!
The Schuetzen-Festhalle with its 4,442 seats is a mid-sized tent. The "Niederalmer" (music group) provide for a good atmosphere and many other surprises.
One thing, which has made this tent world-famous, is the sucking pig prepared in an authentic Bavarian manner in malt beer sauce and served with coleslaw. It is even served in the traditional "lukewarm" Bavarian manner and will melt in your mouth! Enjoy your meal.
No longer a secret of celebrities from all over the world, and especially those from Munich flood into Kafer Wies'n-Schanke. That's no wonder since proprietor Michael Kafer has created an extremely comfortable and cozy retreat in his comparatively small tent at the Wiesn.
It's clear the gourmets are truly at home here and the delicious Kaefer- roasted duck is something that should not be missed.
... isn't bad either. Who is to say that you always have to drink beer at the Wiesn? The Wine Tent offers a selection of more than 15 different wines, in addition to different types of Sekt (sparkling wine) and champagne.
The proprietors of the wine tent are the Kufflers. They have been a part of Munich's gastronomy scene for a long time and know very well what Wiesn visitors will appreciate.
A favorite meeting place which cannot be overseen. The entrance to the Lowenbraeu tent is decorated with a massive lion, which is 4.50 meters high. Don't be scared when the king lets out an authentic sounding roar every couple of minutes.
It is no surprise that this beer tent is the meeting point for fans of the TSV 1860 Munich soccer team as they are also called "Lions". If you are searching for extraordinary hospitality and a bombastic atmosphere, you're guaranteed to find it here!
The Heide family has solidly managed the tent "Braeurosl" for seven generations. The name of the tent originates from the daughter of the brewery owner Pschorr.
Entertainment is of great importance in this tent. A yodeler, who answers to the name "Braeurosl" during the Wiesn (in honor of Rosi Pschorr), ensures a good atmosphere and traditional Bavarian songs. But that's not all! Because when "Braeurosl" goes on break, the Luwig Thoma-Musicians take up the beat and pump up the heat.
The proprietor of the Augustiner-Brewery, Manfred Vollmer has built up something incredibly special during the past years. This tent is considered the friendliest of all at Oktoberfest. The waiters/waitresses (almost) never forget to smile, regardless how busy or hectic it gets.
Families also feel extremely comfortable in this tent. On both Tuesdays during the Wiesn there is a "kids day" with especially low prices. The excellent Augustiner beer also contributes to ensuring a great atmosphere \which often already gets into full swing in the middle of the afternoon!
When visitors look at the entrance of the Ochsenbraterei, where an over-dimensional ox is slowly turning on a huge spit, it is easy to understand what this tent stands for.
The Ochsenbraterei does indeed offer an amazing variety of different oxen specialties. One look at the menu and many visitors will be awestruck at the wide variety of dishes that can be created with an ox.
Careful ... the great atmosphere and excellent brass music can lead to extensive partying.
Nobody gets the short end of the stick at the Wiesn. For those with no interest in pig's knuckles and the like, Fischer-Vroni is the right place to go. You can enjoy an authentic grilled "fish on a stick" in one of the most comfortable tents at the Oktoberfest.
Even the fish preparation is an experience. The fish are skewered on a stick, and grilled in a 15-meter long row. Regardless of whether walleyed pike, white fish, or salmon trout. Your fish wishes will not go unanswered.